Thursday, August 9, 2007

Today's Rotten Tomato Gallery

A word for the wise: choose your words and ideas CAREFULLY!!

What happened to the Bahraini bloggers today? The feed was filled with dismal entries. Here is my pick for today's Rotten Tomato Gallery, which include the worst entries for today. Just to be fair, they are not listed in any particular order.

1. Rant: Female Attractiveness from emoodz
Interesting how the title is about female attractiveness, but the accompanying image is of some guy (could be the blog's author himself) teasing us in his designer undies. Someone needs to take it easy on his Mayor Arnold complex (yet another wonderful Republican). Remember, it's the girls who choose their men at the end of the day; they don't care what "manly men" have to say about their choices in partners.

2. Ali Bahar.. the Masterclass in Bahraini Music (1) from Yaqoob's Dome
Classic first line to attract readers.
Recently many of Bahrain’s local newspapers including Al-Watan and Akhbar Al-Khaleej have run articles about Ali Bahar’s latest crisis, being which that he has been in hospital for almost a month because he has Sickle blood cell disease better known in Bahrain as سكلر, contrary to rumours saying that he has HIV (WTF?)
I didn't know there were people who actually read Al-Watan, let alone that it still exists after some juicy scandal mentioned some of its employees in passing.

As for the "contrary to rumours", well, HIV is not the actual DISEASE. It causes a person's immune system to collapse, and so, Sickle cell disease is not something contrary to HIV. It could be one of its results. Or it could have existed before HIV (theoretically speaking, of course). I am no medic, so correct me if I am wrong.

Oh and one more thing; what's with the video choice? The guy sleeps with his guitar, takes it on rides to Adhari Park (I think) and watches his brand new guitar from Moon Store in Sooq Al-Manama spin around at deadly speeds with a grin on his face. More of a dry wet dream than anything worth being called master-class.

I am dreading Ali Bahar.. the Masterclass in Bahraini Music (2)!

3. PS3 Prices Drop in Bahrain from Redbelt
Ah, genius.
This is of course great news. Sony is doing exactly the suggestions I previously wrote in my March next gen forcast. They seems to be on the brink of a reform which can very much be very successful.
Yes, GIANT electronic companies take the time to scan your blog for suggestions on how to improve their business strategy. If they did, that would technically be theft. But if they didn't, don't be too disappointed.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Ponder Thrice, Madame

The lame blogger gets the attention of the shallow
True.. but
the lamer blogger gets chickspenned!
Keep that in mind..

Saturday, August 4, 2007


Time to make soosoo! Recently i'm loving making soosoo.. it's so liberating! I guess this is the best thing to do since i'm out of meaningless topics to post about!