Monday, December 3, 2007

like "ree7tich like 3looch"!! hehe LOL :-)

We were in class, he was ga3ed next to me. Ou like, faj2a, like, gam he screamed PINKYYYYYY!!!!! I was like *weh* *sh9ayer il yom* *weh* whaaaat He said like reeeeeee7tich 3looooch. I was like I like said hahahehe what does that mean? He like was like like: maaaaadray, chena 3loooooch madry shino. hahehe sniff sniff kint a3lech 3looch ou shakla sham il ree7a weeeeee LOL

9ara7a my friends and i are the lamest/weirdest on earth!

hehe 3loooooch

mental note: i should just shoot myself. my ignorance to how racist i am is a reason enough to do so.


Anonymous said...

heheheheh .. 3jbteeny, fe al9meem :P

Ammaro said...

well, its better that you smell like chewing gum than something else.

M said...

HAHAHAHHAAHHAHA.. i like you..

oh shit .. ull attack me now right?:P

i dont care.. ill like you even then.. woohoo..

keep them coming..